
Take a break from all the plans that you have made and sit alone at home and wait for God to whisper. Beg Him please to open up His mouth and speak and pray for real upon your knees until they blister... Jimmy Needham

Monday, October 29, 2012

Abraham & Sarah...

I just finished reading a book about Sarah & Abraham. I was reminded of God's faithfulness despite my lack of faith. God promised Abraham & Sarah a child, an heir, but it seems as if they lost hope many times. God often restored their hope by reminding them of the promise He had made them. I have to constantly be reminded of God's faithfulness and God's sovereignty in all things other wise I also lose hope so quickly. God knows this about us and He is so good to give us His word and His Spirit to be reminders of His goodness and His faithfulness. Abraham and Sarah waited many years for God, but along the way they made some unwise choices which was probably due to a loss of hope. Sarah gave Abraham her servant Hagar so that Abraham would have an heir. If they would have held out a little longer for God's promise, they would might have saved themselves some pain and heartache. However, their choices did not change God's faithfulness. God is faithful when we are not! God will do as He promises. His love for us also will not change when our love for Him wavers. I'm so thankful for that!  It's easy to follow God, when He crashes into our life with strikes of lightening and makes it ever so clear what He wants us to do.  For example, moving to Cambodia was one of those "lightning moments" when I could not deny God's direction.  It is easy to follow God on days like when I know God is clearly directing my path.  The excitement and joy of knowing God is right beside me spurs me on in faith.  However, every day life can get mundane, and actually most of our days are lived in the ordinary. These are the days God has called us to live in. These are the days our faith is put to the test. Do we continue on, trusting Him and living a life of faith and love which shows the world Jesus? It's a hard thing to do everyday, especially when we get tired and weary, and God doesn't seem to be near by as He was in the days He called us to this place.  So, when the days are ordinary and dreary, let us run with perseverance, trusting in the promise of our salvation!  Even when God seems far away, He has never left our side for even one moment.  Let us not grow weary in the ordinary days...

1 comment:

  1. Yes and AMEN, Sara! I find myself looking for signs of God's faithfulness just to overcome the ordinary! His signs are all around us, we just don't pay attention most of the time...and He reveals His faithfulness to each of us in different ways. I love it when God reveals His faithful plan to me in a special way as He did for you through this scripture. Thanks for the reminder of His ever present love and faithfulness to His people!
