
Take a break from all the plans that you have made and sit alone at home and wait for God to whisper. Beg Him please to open up His mouth and speak and pray for real upon your knees until they blister... Jimmy Needham

Thursday, October 11, 2012

God at Work!!!

Tonight, Shiela (my roommate) and I went to one of our favorite restaurants, which is called Kiwi.  It's not our favorite restaurant because the food is amazing or the prices are all that cheap.  We go there to talk to a  young lady named, Srey Mom.  We have been going there for about 2 months now, and she is always welcoming and fun to talk with.  God has given us an opportunity to build a pretty good relationship with her.  We go there just to visit with her.  The last 2 weeks, Srey Mom has been somewhat distant when we go to Kiwi.  Tonight was especially weird.  In addition, I was in a bad mood and full of pride towards those around me.  However, I wasn't like this until I walked into the restaurant.  I truly believe it was an attack from the evil one, because God was on the verge of doing something amazing.  We had purposely gone there tonight to visit Srey Mom because we are leaving for a 5 day trip to Vietnam in the morning.  We wanted to see her before we left.  The restaurant was empty, except for Sheila and I and the other workers.  Srey Mom was sitting at a table across from us, just kind of staring off into space.  All of sudden she said, "I want to ask you a question."  So we looked at her and said, "ok".  She asked, "What is your religion?"  We said, "We are Christians."  Then she asked, "What do you think about black magic?"  She was referring to fortune tellers, we think. :)  She said that she met some Christians who believed in black magic.  We weren't sure how to respond to that, so we said no we don't believe in it.  However, thinking about it now, it is a very real thing and Satan has power in that area.  We told her about the Bible doesn't agree with black magic.  We asked her if she knew what the Bible is, and she said "no".  We told her that we have an extra one and asked her if she wanted it.

ON A SIDE NOTE:  Two days ago, I finally found a place to purchase Bibles that are written in Khmai (the Cambodian language).  I bought a few of them, and I happened to have one at home.

She seemed very excited, even though she has never even heard of the Bible.  I ran home to get it, and Sheila stayed and shared more with Srey Mom.  She asked Srey Mom if she has heard of Jesus, and her response was, "no".  Sheila shared a little bit about Jesus.  Srey Mom also asked, "How do you follow this God?  Do you just have to believe?"  How would she even know to ask that question?  I totally believe that God was present and working in Srey Mom's heart, and not just tonight but for awhile.  The fact that out of the blue she asked us what our religion was, which I think she already knew because we pray before every meal and we have talked to her about God a few times.  The fact that Satan was blatantly attacking my thoughts to distract God's work.  The fact that she asked questions that led straight to talk about Jesus.

I brought the Bible back and gave it to her, and she was so excited.  She is going to start reading in the book of John.  Sheila showed her where the book of John is in the Bible.  All of sudden, it was like she came back down to reality.  She started looking around to see if anyone had been watching, and slowly hid the Bible away.  We told her that we will come back to visit after our trip to Vietnam.  One more cool detail.  Sheila was talking to a friend tonight and she told her that we are going visit Srey Mom tonight and give her a bible.  Sheila says that she has know idea why she said that, but God knew! :)  Wow, when I replay this whole night in my head, God is all over it!  How awesome is our God!

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