
Take a break from all the plans that you have made and sit alone at home and wait for God to whisper. Beg Him please to open up His mouth and speak and pray for real upon your knees until they blister... Jimmy Needham

Saturday, April 27, 2013


Yesterday, my church helped paint another a family of local believers' house. My church is a small house church full of people who are all here serving the Lord in different capacities. The house we helped to paint was funded by Habitat for Humanity. Many of our church members work for a medical center that is focused on spreading the love of Christ as they serve patients. This family was discovered by the clinic as one of their family members, the mother, was very sick and seeking help. She was convinced a demon was tormenting her. Someone from the clinic told the daughter to pray for healing in Jesus name. The family had tried everything else. They had prayed to Buddha and probably other gods, but their mother was still very sick. When the daughter heard that she could pray in Jesus name, she ran home to tell her mom. In desperation she did it, and Jesus radically healed her! It might be hard for us to believe this, but God still works like this. This miracle caused the whole family to put their full trust in Jesus Christ.  It's such a cool story... That's who's house we painted. 

The young girls in this picture go to my school and their family is part of the church I attend. They got a little excited about the paint and wanted to paint my entire arm, lol.  This family has followed God's call to Cambodia to share the love of Christ with the people.  Last year, they found out that the mother of 35 years old has cancer. Try to make sense of that! Life doesn't seem fair, but I guess God never said it would be. Please pray for this family and these young girls as they walk with their mother through this battle with cancer. Please pray that no matter what happens these girls will see God's goodness and know God's love!

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