
Take a break from all the plans that you have made and sit alone at home and wait for God to whisper. Beg Him please to open up His mouth and speak and pray for real upon your knees until they blister... Jimmy Needham

Monday, May 13, 2013


IWhew, that was a long read.  I've been reading the Explicit Gospel for almost 6 months.  I finally finished it.  I can't say I remember much from the first few chapters, lol.  But, it feels like such an accomplishment!  Something in the last few pages really hit me today.

Matt Chandler says, "We must abandon the idea that there is condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus!  We must abandon the idea that our sins pile up on some scale that will earn God's punishment when tipped, as if Christ didn't take this wrath from us already on the cross.  We must also abandon the idea that our good behavior somehow rubs the spiritual lamp that inclines God, like a genie, to emerge and give us the things we wish for."

For most of us, we know this to be true.  But I don't think many of us live like we believe this.  Sometimes I feel like I have failed God one too many times.  At times, I begin to wonder if certain things that have happened or haven't happened in my life have been caused by too much failure, too much sin.  I'm reminded that is a lie!  God is much bigger than my sin.  "There is more mercy in God than there is sin in us."

On the other hand, as Christians we tend to live like we are entitled to a "good, easy" life.  We deserve to have a loving spouse and healthy kids.  We don't deserve to get sick or to lose a loved one.  We deserve to have good jobs and to be financially stable.  We deserve to live a long life.  However, most of the world doesn't have this luxury.  Many people work hard at the same job their whole lives, without a day off and without a raise.  This job is what keeps their family alive.  Many people get sick without money for medicine or good health care.  In many families, a life might be cut short by sickness or tragedy.  Life can start to look hopeless.  What is there to hope for?  A better, easier life?  Maybe yes, but for most this will never be a reality.  Life is hard!  Jesus is there only hope, as He is ours!

As Americans, we tend to misplace our hope at times.  The distractions around us are too numerous to count.  Our faith is weak, because life is easy.  When tragedy comes, we are offended towards God.  "How could you let this happen, God?"  We live in a fallen world, and sin has caused pain all around us.  Let us have great faith that God is who says He is and trust His goodness every step of the way.  When all looks hopeless, and this world is sucking the life out of us, let us be confidant in Him!  There is hope in Jesus!  Let the world see and know Jesus is alive in our lives.  

"Often times where the gospel is assumed it is quickly lost". Josh Patterson

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