
Take a break from all the plans that you have made and sit alone at home and wait for God to whisper. Beg Him please to open up His mouth and speak and pray for real upon your knees until they blister... Jimmy Needham

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


The ESL class I'm teaching is part of the 2five2 program within Asian Hope. As I mentioned before, these classes are provided at a really low price for the neighborhood kids in the area.  It's a great outreach program and provides a safe, fun :) place for the kids to come and learn.  2five2 stands for Luke 2:52, which says, "And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man."  2Five2 provides comprehensive programs of Christ-centered education and community development founded on the God given value of children.  At Logos, we provide ESL classes for these neighborhood kids who live within the city.  English is an important tool for anyone living in Cambodia.  It will give them better opportunities in the job world, and it is a service we are able to provide since we are English speakers :).  2five2 also brings in many students who haven't heard the gospel, so what a great opportunity to share the message of Christ!  

What we do at Logos, is only a small part of the 2five2 program.  It's main goal is reaching out to villages outside of the city.  I attached a link below.  It's worth checking out.  It is a great way to empower a village and teach them about Jesus.

These 2 girls below are a part of the advanced ESL class.  The girl in the middle always seem to remember my name, and I can't ever remember hers :).  I had to ask her name again.  That happens often.  There are too many names to remember, and they are usually names that I can't even pronounce let alone remember, lol.  So, she told me her name again, probably for the 3rd time.  Her name is Karen, which is probably not her real name, but a little easier for me to remember.

This guy below is so cute!  I think his name is Sevan.  Maybe, lol.  He is in my ESL class, level 2, on Thursdays.  Please pray for his salvation along with all the other students attending these classes.  These classes takes place at 5pm everyday at Logos.

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