
Take a break from all the plans that you have made and sit alone at home and wait for God to whisper. Beg Him please to open up His mouth and speak and pray for real upon your knees until they blister... Jimmy Needham

Saturday, May 25, 2013


High School Teachers
Every year, LOGOS has a junior / senior banquet for the students.  Instead of a prom, the juniors put together a banquet for the seniors.  It's a big deal for the students.  They get to dress up, eat a fancy dinner, and have a sort of "farewell" celebration for the seniors.  As a high school teacher, I was invited to the banquet.  And.... of course, I had to get all fancy, buy a nice dress, and fix my hair.  Yikes!  I went to a local salon to get my hair done.  It cost me $2 for hair and make-up.  You can't beat that!  The students had a great time...
Senior girls... 
Teachers & Friends
He is amazed at my hair down, lol.  It doesn't happen very often. :)
A cute senior couple...
Boys will be boys...

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