
Take a break from all the plans that you have made and sit alone at home and wait for God to whisper. Beg Him please to open up His mouth and speak and pray for real upon your knees until they blister... Jimmy Needham

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


A Cambodian student who was adopted by the Asian Hope girls' house.
The 2012-2013 school year is officially over, and I'm back in Oklahoma for the summer.  I'm so thankful for summer breaks!!!  Back in August, I doubted these days existed, lol.  I can't believe how far God has brought me and what an amazing work He has done in the lives of the students at Logos.  What a year!!!  I have learned so much this year, and I still have much to learn.  Louie Gigilio said it best in his Indescribable video.  He talks about how we aren't as important as we think we are.  We tend to think that God needs us or people need us.  It's quite the opposite we need God, but God does not need us!  He delights in us and loves us like crazy, but not once has God ever needed any one of us.  He is God, and He will accomplish His will with or without us.  But, how cool is it to be a part of God's plan?  How amazing is it to see God work in the lives of those around us?  How encouraging is it to see God answer prayers and see lives miraculously changed?  That's what it's all about!  These kids don't need me, but God has given me an opportunity to pour into their lives and be a part of God's work here.  God has humbled me in so many ways.  There are so many times I have failed and so many times that I could have loved better.  God has given me a huge heart for these students.  I want to make a difference in their lives so badly, but at times I seem to forget that God is the one doing the work.  I'm just His servant.  I have found myself protective and possessive of them, as if they are "my" students.  I'm sure this is a glimpse into parenthood :).  In my efforts to love them well, speak truth into their lives, and pray for them, I constantly fail.  By God's grace, I pray these students will see Jesus in us as teachers.  Please continue to pray for the students and teachers as we all go our separate ways this summer.  Pray that we would press into Jesus during the break.
William - He is always smiling like this!
Field trip on the last day of school to the movies.  Good Times!  :)
Hangin' with the 8th graders....  Lunch before the movies....

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