
Take a break from all the plans that you have made and sit alone at home and wait for God to whisper. Beg Him please to open up His mouth and speak and pray for real upon your knees until they blister... Jimmy Needham

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

2012-2013 ENGLISH CLASS...

These are some pictures of the English Class I taught this past year.  I've fallen in love with these kids.  They are awesome!  They are so eager to learn English and they enjoy coming to class.  It's not because I'm a great teacher by any means, lol.  Most days, I'm not sure what to teach or how to teach it.  Yes, English is my first language, but I have found that teaching can be quite a challenge at times.  For me, it's like teaching someone how to throw a baseball.  I've been able to throw a baseball since before I can remember.  You just pick up the ball and throw it.  But many people didn't grow up with a baseball in their hand, so they need to learn the techniques of throwing.  When you've done something for most of your life, you don't stop to think how you learned the skill or the techniques you use in doing it.  Teaching English is a lot like that.  In fact, sharing the gospel with people can be like this too.  Many of us have grown up going to church, and we have heard about Jesus before we could really understand.  We know the Bible, because we have read it many times, and we talk about it with our family and friends.  We believe that God is in control of all things, and we believe He knows what will happen tomorrow.  We believe this by faith, and that's kind of a crazy thought if you try to tell someone there is a God who knows what will happen tomorrow or even 20 years from now.  Some of has have known Jesus for years, and our faith is built by years of following Him.  Our faith is built in failures, victories, tragedies and in blessings.  People that have never met Jesus or maybe even never heard of him, don't understand.  So how do you explain our God to a lost world????  Start at the beginning and show love.........  I don't know why I started talking about this.  My fingers seem to keep typing as my thoughts keep going.  I don't know if this is making any sense..........  Trying to explain the gospel to a lost world is a challenge, because often times when I explain to people that God loves them and Jesus died for them, I often wonder if this makes any sense at all.  In my mind, I think why would they want to believe this?  It makes no sense that a perfect God would come to earth, die on a cross for the sins of man, rise again three days later, and do it all because He loves us.  When we trust Him with our lives and God saves us, then it makes sense.  Then we see how deep God's love is for us, we see how unworthy we are, and we see God's redemptive plan in all of creation.  But how do we make sense of it and explain it to a lost world?  It's only by the power of God and His work in salvation.  We are the messengers, declaring a message of hope, showing love, and praying that God will reach down and save souls.  So, back to my English class.  Most of these kids come from Buddhist families.  The goal of these classes if for these kids to learn about Jesus.   Yes, they learn English, but our hope is that they will know Jesus Christ.  Three times a semester we have a chapel service in Khmai (the Cambodian language).  These kids hear the gospel and many of them are now following Jesus.  Praise God!  Everyday before class starts, we sing a song in English and pray.  My students' favorite song is "Bless the Lord" by Matt Redman.  They don't know English that well, but they will sing this song a the top of their lungs.  I love listening to them sing it!  Please pray for these kids.  Many of them come from very poor families, and education isn't always a priority.  If these kids can learn English, life for them becomes a little easier.  More than anything pray for them to know Jesus.  Life won't become easier with Jesus in their hearts, but they will have hope!  Below, I have attached a video I made for my English class from picture I collected throughout the year.

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